the collective
There was a time when I would have considered myself a huge fan of a certain futuristic science fictional television show.
In that particular show the traveling crew member of this spaceship
were all unique, qualified and curious about exploring the unknown universe.
One of the recurring themes is surviving their encounters with the infamous "Collective".
The Collective as it was called, generally speaking is a group of individual, of varying humanoid origin,
who have been assimilated into a hive group that functions as one unit, one mind, to systematically
take over the known universe.
So with all that being said I will finally get to my point.
Now my point is....
The concept of a "collective" is somewhat, vaguely, kind of similar to what many people believe is the model for "Christianity". But it has to be more than religion.
Now hear me out.
We have all been created as individuals with unique characteristics that are specific to us that gives us distinction from one another.
The things that separate are in my opinion small and insignificant.
They are things like gender, race, physical appearance and mental capacity.
The Bible tells us, a most important fact.
This nugget of truth teaches us that we, all of humanity are fashioned after the likeness of our
We all are created in His image.
One humanity.
Now unlike the star-ship travelers it is a good thing for us to recognize and connect to Him who has fashioned and called us.
For us to full function as one unit, from a singular point our inward beings must reflect the source from where we originate.
We are all needed, all a part, all included in divine design.
Each uniquely shaped.
Some tall, some short.
Some black, some white, some brown.
Some male, some female.
Some old, some young.
All one!
Brought together by one blood.
Purchased by the tree.
Our gift and our talents empowered by one spirit.
So you see my brothers and my sisters,
you may resist but it is to your harm.
Your survival depends on this one concept.
"We need to be connected."
Joined together by one spirit.
The Spirit that comes from the
The Collective as it was called, generally speaking is a group of individual, of varying humanoid origin,
who have been assimilated into a hive group that functions as one unit, one mind, to systematically
take over the known universe.
So with all that being said I will finally get to my point.
Now my point is....
The concept of a "collective" is somewhat, vaguely, kind of similar to what many people believe is the model for "Christianity". But it has to be more than religion.
Now hear me out.
We have all been created as individuals with unique characteristics that are specific to us that gives us distinction from one another.
The things that separate are in my opinion small and insignificant.
They are things like gender, race, physical appearance and mental capacity.
The Bible tells us, a most important fact.
This nugget of truth teaches us that we, all of humanity are fashioned after the likeness of our
We all are created in His image.
One humanity.
Now unlike the star-ship travelers it is a good thing for us to recognize and connect to Him who has fashioned and called us.
For us to full function as one unit, from a singular point our inward beings must reflect the source from where we originate.
We are all needed, all a part, all included in divine design.
Each uniquely shaped.
Some tall, some short.
Some black, some white, some brown.
Some male, some female.
Some old, some young.
All one!
Brought together by one blood.
Purchased by the tree.
Our gift and our talents empowered by one spirit.
So you see my brothers and my sisters,
you may resist but it is to your harm.
Your survival depends on this one concept.
"We need to be connected."
Joined together by one spirit.
The Spirit that comes from the