I was in the shower this morning and I was thinking about the goodness of the Lord. How his hand was moving in my life setting many things straight. I was reflecting on my new posture of submission to Jesus as Lord, and a deep peace and joy flooded my soul.
A thought came to mind. It said, " It was you all the time."
In that instant I was how my constant struggling for control, or trying to fix things, was a big part of the relationship, self driven by the failure my life had become. Sure, things looked fine from the outside, but inwardly, there was no joy, peace, or contentment.
Our society has taught us that we can do, be, and control all things. This is a lie, and we are not gods. If we desire to live a good life, one that is pleasing to the lord, we must submit to his control, direction, and leading.

"Those who are lead by the spirit of the living God are the sons of God."
----Romans 8:14