The Scriptwriter
One day while I was driving in my car I was thinking about my future, trying to figure things out. You know, planning and plotting, when I caught myself saying phrases like "If this happens then I'll..." or "If thing happen like this my best option is..." These thoughts were coming so rapidly that I was creating all these hypothetical situations which would probably never happen. I mentally worked myself into a tizzy and I stressed myself out. Then it struck me that I was trying to write the script for my life. Somehow, my subconscious mind thought that I had enough information to accurately lay out and orchestrate the path that I would take. Somehow I thought I possessed enough wisdom to logically predict the course of my own destiny. As I followed this train of thought, I said to myself, "Who am I? What makes me qualified to be the author of my life?" If I were to honestly review the past chapters I have lived I would probably delete the majority of them altogether. However, as the providence of God would have it, each event has fulfilled the purpose God has intended. I realize that on this day the only qualified and perfect scriptwriter for all our lives is the Lord God Almighty. He alone possesses the necessary knowledge. He sees the whole picture from beginning to end. I thought to myself, How foolish am I? Why not allow the perfect scriptwriter to writer and direct the course of my existence? I know that when I surrender to his control, the movie that is my life will be a five-star Blockbuster event.
Psalms 37:23~ "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives."
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Amen, Sister Pat! Great insights. I also tend to over-think and try to plan my life.