In today's society, more often than not you witness the effect that stress can have on your life and mind. We are constantly bombarded with demands that seem to come with living in a western culture. The pressure of the job, the insufficient dollar combined with the increase of living expenses. Sometimes it can be the stress felt from unemployment or ill health and its negative effects. Theses many things compiled with emotional imbalances, dissolving relationships, or separation from family can send our mind into unrest and chaos.
We can be overcome with the cares of this world. These constant stresses and negative demands can act like a poison to our minds. Our thoughts can range from nagging and compulsive to desperate and dangerous.
I am reminded of a story in the Bible where venomous snakes were sent into the Israelite camp because of the thoughts and words that was spoken against God. The Israelites were bitten by the snakes just like we are bitten by stress and negativity. It poisoned their systems just like we become poisoned in our minds and hearts.
But the Israelites realized their sin against God and repented. We to need to come to a place of repentance for the sin of pride and self-sufficiency. When the Israelites repented God removed the snake. The Lord then told Moses to make a snake and place it atop a pole, and anyone who was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake would live.
Today, God had given us someone to look to for our healing and sickness of mind. He is telling us to look up. Lift our minds to the cross and hope of Jesus Christ. And when we do, we will be healed and live..
(Numbers 21: 4-9)
There is so much stress in the world nowadays. Thank you for that reminder to take it off our shoulders xD