I had just finished getting dressed one morning, and I decided to spruce up my attire with a couple of pieces of jewelery. I reached for my jewelery box that was resting on the dresser and my hand gently opened the small drawer as my eyes searched for the perfect pieces. I immediately spotted a dazzling set that I had recently purchased on a shopping trip to the local mall with my daughters and one of their friends. I picked up the bracelet and began to examine it. How beautiful, I thought. The deep garnet stones gleamed with warm light, a quiet spark just waiting to ignite. They were encased in a blackened, antique-finished metal, sculpting the edges like fine lace on every stone. As I stood there, the seconds of time ticked by and I thought to myself, These are too nice to wear today.
My hand started to return them to the small drawer when I heard "Waiting to illuminate." My mind wandered to a comforting scene. In my imagination, I saw an old store fireplace. The kind you would see in the main room of a small cottage, where the hearth is made of mute, multicolored field stones with a hand-made braided rug placed neatly on the floor in front of it. The iron poker, shovel, and ash pan were neatly arranged along the outside wall of the fireplace. Smoldering cinders linger where a once blazing flame cools on the hearth. A figure kneels, and with efficient, skillful movements, and begins to remove the excess ash. He is careful and his eyes are watchful. Never rushing as he places the ash in the pail one shovel at a time. He leaves the remaining hot coals in the center of the once fiery hearth. He prepares it to receive its new fuel. Cautiously he chooses his first piece of wood - a split log - and places it in the center of the coals. He then finds smaller kindling and places them in designated areas surrounding the log. With patience he watches and waits. Soon his eyes are drawn to a column of smoke as it slowly raises and winds its way up the chimney. He works with confidence knowing that once the wood ignites it will provide comfort and illuminate the darkness. The fire blazes and burns with great intensity.
I returned to my senses, positioned the bracelet on my wrist, and fastened the clasp. I then reached for the matching earrings, I put them on and looked at my bejeweled reflexion in the mirror. I once again noticed the light shining in the jewels. Perfect. As I turned away, I thought we, the people of God, are like those jewels and embers casting only a reflection of the true brilliance that is locked inside. The Holy Spirit of God, our caretaker tends our souls. When we allow Him to clean out the ash and debris from our hearts and minds he is then able and willing to replace that which what was spent and useless with a something that bring comfort and light. We must grant God the access to replenish our smoldering spirits, to stoke us and prod us so we can shine into the darkness.
Matthew 5:16
New International Version (NIV)
God uses the intense heat of the refiner's fire not to destroy but to purify us. Let's allow Him to work in our lives to remove that which is impure so we can shine brightly for His kingdom!
ReplyDeleteZechariah 13:9
"This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’”