One day I had an epiphany - I could make the choice to no longer be afraid. I had just taken the time to examine my life, to really look and see how my actions and choices have affected my life up to this point. I noticed that a large portion of my life had been motivated by the underlying emotion of fear. Now let me explain: not the kind of fear that is so greatly manifested in us that it inhibits normal social functioning, but more like a quiet suggestion of insecurities: the fear of rejection, a deep need to please people. Don't get me wrong, I carried myself in what appeared to be a confident manner. As far as the world was concerned, I was successful. I had completed college, worked in my chosen profession, was a homeowner married with two beautiful children. Inwardly I was always striving and seeking approval from those around me. Looking for validation and a sense of self worth. I had forgotten who I was and all I was in Christ Jesus. I guess you can sum it up and say, "What I thought others thought of me felt more important than what God has to say about me and thinks of me". I had come to a point in life where all my efforts had failed, or was in the process of failing. It seemed that everything that could go wrong was going wrong. I felt totally helpless. I did not possess the ability nor the knowledge to change the life I created. I am sure others have experience similar emotions. I was at the end of myself - defeated. I needed help. That day, when I was at my lowest, God spoke softly into my heart and impressed on me His great and perfect love He has for me. He whispered into my soul a very powerful truth. The truth that He accepts me as I am, that I am wonderfully and beautifully made. That I was made after His perfect image and that it is good, I am good. That God alone loved and will always love me with a perfect Love that casts out all fear. In that instance, I knew that the God of the universe loved me and was with me. And when God is with you, you have nothing to fear. In that instance, God's love washed away all my fears. He replaced them with a place of belonging, a measure of worth, and a sense of acceptance.
1 John 4:18 (NIV)- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
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1 John 4:18 (NIV)- There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
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very inspiring words Pat.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that. So true and worth remembering.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, Pat, and so true. Your words are encouraging as I am facing a lot of the same feelings. I just wish I could completely grasp the concept of total surrender to Him. Keep sharing your insights!