Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A monk praying with a rosary and crucifix in his hand. Stock Photo - 2668680

The encounter happen most unexpectedly, I was just following my normal routine of walking in the morning along this wooded trail I frequent regularly. I had walked about two miles alone, praying and singing unto the Lord. I was having a glorious time, my spirit within me was joyous, lifted from the cares of this world. I had walked to the point of where I normally turn around. Ahead of me I saw the tunnel that was created by a section of highway that the trail passed under. I stopped and contemplated whether or not I should turn around or continue walking a little further.  Frankly, the tunnel always creeps me out because it is cold and dark. As I stood there my spirit said "just go to the end of the tunnel". I started walking, I was looking ahead, I noticed the sunlight streaming up through the darkness, what a contrast.  Cold, dark, warmth and light. And then I noticed him. The man in the frock. He was silhouetted by the light. I was startled, I stopped. I questioned what I was seeing. Was he real? or was it just a figment of my over active imagination. In that moment a small still voice spoke to me and said "stand aside and see". So I gathered up my courage and I started walking towards the figure at the mouth of the tunnel. As I approached him I began to hear the music wafting on the air. A sweet and beautiful sound, amplified and carried by the structure of the tunnel. I could feel my excitement building, I stood in front of him, he dropped his flute and I spoke first.  I asked a straight forward question. " What God do you serve?" See in my mind this was a very important question. I had just been praising the Great I AM" and I really wasn't sure if this guy was physical or not, and he was dressed like a monk. He looked at me and spoke with out hesitation "Jesus Christ". Now I  knew where we stood, there are many types of monks from many different religions serving many different gods. He explained why he was dressed the way he was and how he had come to this spot to worship God through music by playing his hand crafted Native American flute. As our conversation unfolded in an exchange of information. I learn about this fellow believer and how he was walking out his faith. How he was living his belief statement to the fullest level of commitment. He spoke of three disciplines; prayer, fasting, and service. We shared stories and life strategies surrounding our individual needs and faith walk. I began to see that this was an appointed meeting by God's design. As our conversation quieted, and our focus was redirected back to worship. The reason for our creation.  Two individuals, previously unknown to the other, drawn together through the blood of Jesus Christ, worshiping God on this intersecting point in time. He started to play his flute and I started to sing. A melodious sound, caught on the breeze, floating out and up to God.  The praise flowed through us, awareness of time and surroundings vanished. A new song was born, presented to the Lord on the alters of our hearts.  I walked away that day, blessed beyond measure.  I challenge you to stand aside and see what great things God has for you today.

Matthew 18:20

King James Version (KJV)
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

1 comment:

  1. I love those experiences which just yank me right out of the here and now, out of the flesh and into the Spirit. 'Course then the idea is to stay there in the spirit, being transformed, not conformed. In the discipline of prayer, what if every breath was a breathed praise, intercession?
