Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Decree


He delivered me, he delivered me            
from my enemies.
He delivered me, he delivered me                              
from my every foe.

The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings
Ruler of every thing.
With his mighty hand he saved me from them all.

He delivered me, he delivered me
from my sin and shame.
He delivered me, he delivered me
and lifted all my pain.

They all had come around me
seeking to destroy.
But the Lord strong in battle
brought them all down low.

He delivered me, God delivered me
from my fear and guilt.
He delivered me, he delivered me
and set my spirit free.

He is called the Holy One of Israel,
who came to save us all.
Born in a manger, died upon the cross,
rose the third day, victorious, mighty and strong.

He delivered me, he delivered me
always in his hand.
He delivered me, he delivered me
I will praise him all life long.

The Eternal Father, Son, and Spirit,
who gives us his all.
Purchased us by his precious blood,
redeemed and rescued by his love.

Revelation 19:16 (NIV)
16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:
                 Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

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