Revelation 22:1-Then he showed me the river of the living water,sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne room of God and of the Lamb.

The waters are flowing from the throne of God.
Powerful and swift.
Moving rapidly towards the paths of men.
Roaring and moving.
Do we surrender or do we resist.
Can't you hear it almost approaching
Unstoppable flowing, gliding.
Descending from heaven to earth.
What must I do as judgment comes.
God is looking from above.
Searching and seeking the heart of men.
Is there one who will be cleansed.
Come and be submerge my friend.
We are nearing our journey's end.
If you resist your doom is sure.
For you will suffer for your sins.
Do not struggle, do not fight.
Simple do what is right.
Submit to God and you will see.
The love of God flows to set you free.
The water came and touched my feet.
Up the waters rose.
Do not struggle, do not fight.
The waters are flowing from the throne of God.
Powerful and swift.
Moving rapidly towards the paths of men.
Roaring and moving.
Do we surrender or do we resist.
Can't you hear it almost approaching
Unstoppable flowing, gliding.
Descending from heaven to earth.
What must I do as judgment comes.
God is looking from above.
Searching and seeking the heart of men.
Is there one who will be cleansed.
Come and be submerge my friend.
We are nearing our journey's end.
If you resist your doom is sure.
For you will suffer for your sins.
Do not struggle, do not fight.
Simple do what is right.
Submit to God and you will see.
The love of God flows to set you free.
The water came and touched my feet.
Up the waters rose.
Do not struggle, do not fight.
nice sis!