Pneuma hagion, God-Spirit. Spirit of God. Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost.
Act 2: 2-4 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like unto fire, and it sat upon each of them, And they where filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance."
He dwells among us. He is with us. He is in us!
He created the heavens and the earth and He is eternal.
The beginning and the end.
Time itself. Forever.
He became flesh so that we might know Him.
We saw Him not.
Rejected, but still died for us on that cross.
Death could not hold Him, He rose again, for He is life.
Resurrected He returned to heaven, for He paid the cost,
Came again to men that day at Pentecost.
So none would be lost.
In power and might He came.
On winds of wings of Fire.
He came of heaven's Spirit and Power.
He is not gone. His Spirit is here.
Searching for those who are his own.
You see them everywhere.
Baptize and walking in Holy Fire.
They can look like you or me.
Consumed and concentrated they are not their own.
Burning with the Word of God, the truth of heaven's love.
A blaze in light forevermore.
Casting off glory from God's own majestic throne.
The light comes forth, in regal form illuminating dark black sin.
Here and over there, come forth consume, burn bright!
His presence grows and the is life abounds.
The beams of truth unlock those chains.
Of bondage broken and freedom reign.
Released you now, for I AM good.
A cry to heaven is heard across the land.
Holy is God's name!.
His children, his sons and daughters do proclaim.
Holy, Holy, Holy is His name!
The truth be known in all He calls His own.
For they bear his likeness and they know their name.
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