The battle in the secret place

The battle in the secret place is a fierce war.
It rages on day and night. Night and day.
It's casualty one.
The battle in the secret place is often unheard.
The screams of it slaughter clamors in vapors unreleased.
The battle in the secret place is lost or won with a word.
The sharpness of the blade slice and wound the soul held there.
The battle in the secret place is dark and so obscure.
The light must shine for all to see so healing can begin.
The battle in the secret place is won but not by thee.
There is but one who's love can set you free.
The battle in the secret place is now been called to end.
Your enemy defeated as your Savior died for thee.
The battle in the secret place is calm and free at last.
Replace now with a mantra that reached down through time.
"come rest you now of weary soul, lay down and be at ease.
The love of Jesus reaches you even in that secret place."
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