Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Sister's Supporting Sister's: Let's Talk about Hannah

Sister's Supporting Sisters

Let's Talk About Hannah.                                                         March 30,2020

What is everyone talking about in the world today?

Better yet, the question that should be asked is "What are you talking about?"

I don't know if you ever thought about what words actually come out of your mouth each day. How our words often reflect the deep inner workings of our heart, our thoughts, hopes and beliefs are all connected to our tongues. How we process the world around us is reflected in our speech.  What we say is in direct relationship to what we believe.

So with this precept  let us turn our attention to that Woman in the Bible named Hannah.
There are some wonderful things we can learn from studying her testimony in the book of the prophet Samuel.

In Reading the text we learn that Hannah has a problem that she cannot solve, as a matter of fact there is no known help for the medical condition that Hannah has. Hannah is barren and she cannot have children. She has a situation that she nor her husband cannot handle, we read that Hannah is sad and oppressed, her emotions are a reflection the state of her heart. The situation she is in has make her is anxious.

There is a verse found in Philippians 4:6-7 that can be applies to our fears and anxiousness. Hannah did not have this verse written out at the time to comfort her,  but now, the children of Yahweh(God), have been given these words, as a measure, to assist us in our current day struggles. It says: 

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends
 all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 

Our girl Hannah may not have had a convenient book of wise and sayings but she did have this concept written within her spirit. "Take it to God, He can help". So she did and He does.

Each year we are told that Hannah's family went to a place called "Shiloh" to worship the "Lord of Host" there.
Let's briefly examine what these two titles mean.

Shiloh: His Gift, His Peace- A gathering of the people,  The peaceable or prosperous one. The Messiah.

Lord of Host: A military term, Host of the Angel Army, The war in heaven  manifest her on earth. Psalms 84:12 tells us "Blessed is the man who trust in The Lord of Host".

What Did Hannah do in the time of trouble she went early in the morning to the place or the one who was peace expecting that he would help her because he is the one who could help her. The one who holds the power.

Hannah Prayed!

She took all her bitterness of soul and and troubles and cried out, she prayed to the Lord, with all her might, until she lost her voice.

She took her case and situation to the court room of Heaven and pleaded her cause until she was heard by the one who was in charge and held the power to make a change in her situation. She went into God's presence and left his presence, that place of prayer, with confidence that her words were heard.

1 John 5:14 tell us:
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."

Now from her example we can learn who to pray to,  when to pray, and how to pray.

As I follow social media these days, I am seeing a trend among the people of God, they are having difficulty sleeping. May I suggest to you to use this quiet time to make your request know in prayer.

 We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 that we are to pray with out ceasing. Be a Hannah use you word in a manner that is most effective. Our prayers are not idle chatter.

It is the place of confession, of healing and of restoration. A place of peace of Shalom.

Prayer can be done in our inner chambers, in secret, each of us calling out to his creator.

When you read the story of Hannah you will see that what she asked in prayer she believed that God would hear and answer her prayer.  As we turn the pages of the holy text we find that God was Faithful to Hannah he did heard her prayer and blessed her with a son and she named him Samuel.

Sisters I can tell you from my own personal experience that these words are true in my life, I too have prayed in faith believing that the Father would answer. And God has answered them. Praise Him! He is faithful to his people.

 So I am encouraging you today to take all that ails you to the throne room of God with the expectation that he will hear you.  

You can overcome all the challenges that you are facing, look up and be encouraged your help is on the way!

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