I thought to myself ,what a display of love. To others this mother daughter interaction might seem like a normal everyday occurrence, but in my minds eye I saw a living example of God's great love and concern for me, and for you. Let's examine this a little closer Point one: the mother and daughter are spending time with other. Quality time, sharing an experience, enjoying each other company, interacting with each other in a positive fashion. God wants to spend quality time in our presence. He delights in us when we seek to and find pleasure in his presence. God is eager and willing to share all of life's experiences with us. God wants to parent us, to partner with us, to intimately interact with us personally. God is concerned with our success. He want us to be productive in the life he has planned for us. A Life full of many gifts great and small. God has given us a constant companion, one who knows us and understands our needs. He has given us His Holy Spirit. Point Two: the young mother wanted to do something that would bring pleasure to her young child. She choose give a small pastry, a gift, to display her love to someone she cared for. To do something for her daughter that her young daughter could not for herself. The Bible tells us that The God of Heaven has given us the ultimate gift and continues to constantly give us gifts. God loved us so much that he gave us his one and only son Jesus Christ, and the promise of eternal life. And Jesus, God's son, loved us so much that he gave us a gift we could not give ourselves, a way to escape judgement from our sins. He gave us his life.
Just take a moment to reflect on the this past week. Name the gifts God has given you. This should make you smile. God wants to see you smile. He delights in you!
John 3:16-For God so love the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. .