Thursday, August 13, 2015

What's in a name?

Names of God

I have been giving some thought on the names of God found in the Bible.  

Names of God 

So today when I was driving, relaxed and meditating in the Lord, the Holy Spirit spoke to me His Great Name "I AM".
This Name of God was reveal to God servant Moses, at a time when Moses had been assigned by God to return to the land of Egypt and tell Pharaoh to Let God's people go. They were to be set free from their life of bondage and slavery. To live as free men and women, restored, and blessed by God, living in a land promised by God so that they may worship the one and only true God. Creator of all heaven and earth.
When we read Exodus 3:14 "God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
"I AM" what a name!
 Throughout the bible God reveals himself to humanity through the use of his names. So when we think about that great to name "I AM" we should ask ourselves the question, I am what? The next thing God said to Moses was "THAT I AM". What is the "that" that God is? As we turn to the Bible God shows us in a universal language where all can understand in a basic way the identity, character, and nature of who our creator is.
God responds to our needs by being to us the expression of that need as long as that need does not violate his holiness. Philippians 4:19 "But God shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
Let us look at this a little closer. I AM.......(fill in the blank), if you are sick that is your need, and God has promised to heal you to be your healer so what is his name "I AM Healer. Psalms 107:19-21."Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble and he saved then out of their distresses. 20. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. 21. Oh that men would praise The Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" Do you get the connection. God is "THAT" which we need! I would encourage you to take some time and explore this revelation of truth for yourself. It will change your life and relationship to the living God. Call on God By his name. I AM.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Psalms 91

Image result for free photos of feathers

"He is my refuge and my fortress."
My secret place.
The most High!
A place for me where no harm can come.
Warm, and comforted.
I must stay there.
In my heart, my soul, my being let His peace be there.
My place of calm.
Shield and Protector is He.
I will not be afraid.
I will not fear!
Oh he covers me with His feathers.
Snuggled beneath His love.
His wings in which I trust.
 I can be found there,
safe and secure.
No terror, misfortune or destruction
shall not come unto me.
Because the Lord he is my refuge.
No evil shall befall me.
 God: Father, Son and Spirit has set his love on me.
He knows my name.
He hears me when I call, he answers me.
I praise you Lord and lift your name on high.
I love you for you have first loved me.
As I live abide in me.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


     Pneuma hagion, God-Spirit. Spirit of God. Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost.

Act 2: 2-4 "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like unto fire, and it sat upon each of them, And they where filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance."

He dwells among us. He is with us. He is in us!

He created the heavens and the earth and He is eternal.
The beginning and the end.
Time itself. Forever.
He became flesh so that we might know Him.
We saw Him not.
Rejected, but still died for us on that cross.
Death could not hold Him, He rose again, for He is life.
Resurrected He returned to heaven, for He paid the cost,
Came again to men that day at Pentecost.
So none would be lost.
In power and might He came.
On winds of wings of Fire.
He came of heaven's Spirit and Power.
He is not gone. His Spirit is here.
Searching for those who are his own.

You see them everywhere.


Baptize and walking in Holy Fire.
They can look like you or me.
Consumed and concentrated they are not their own.
Burning with the Word of God, the truth of heaven's love.
A blaze in light forevermore.
Casting off glory from God's own majestic throne.
The light comes forth, in regal form illuminating dark black sin.
Here and over there, come forth consume, burn bright!
 His presence grows and the is life abounds.
The beams of truth unlock those chains.
Of bondage broken and freedom reign.
Released you now, for I AM good.
A cry to heaven is heard across the land.
Holy is God's name!.
 His children, his sons and daughters do proclaim.
Holy, Holy, Holy is His name!

The truth be known in all He calls His own.
For they bear his likeness and they know their name.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Enjoy the ride!

The other day when i was taking my daily walk along my favorite wooded trail i was amazed by the beauty the Lord has lavishes on me. It was a fine morning the air was crisp and cool, nature was gradually awaking. 

Bird song filled my ears as each small creature praised God in it own way. The was sun shining overhead as it's fingers of light penetrated the leafy canopy above, rendering the multiple shades and tones of green visible to my eyes. As the freshness of early morning air filled my nostrils i was reminded that each day is fill with new mercies and many promises.

i walked along the path and ponder my fate.
i talked with my creator,
i tried to hear His voice.
i remembered the goodness of God.
i acknowledge my redeemer.
i spoke with my friend.

The path that i walked along that day was well worn and many others had traveled it's route.
 Packed hard dirt, pitted with holes, fallen tree branches and twigs carelessly resting on it's surface. Rocks scattered here and there. i watched the ground, i did not want to stumble, careful and a little tense i did not want to stumble or fall.

So careful was i.
How did i find myself here.
i do not want to displease my Father. 

Then it happened i looked up and on the trail coming toward me on the opposite side were two bikers. They were not traveling very fast, a comfortable and constant pace..
An elderly man and a elder woman riding tandem. As the distance between us closed and time seemed to slowed down i notice a small wicker basket was attached to the handle bars. i focused in on a tiny furry head of a small dog with it ears upwards and alert, his head resting on the rim of the basket.

i looked at their faces.
What did i see?
i saw their calm and smiling faces.
With their combined effort they managed the bumpy trail.
Their small dog seemed to be enjoying the ride.
As they passed i spoke a greeting.

    Then it happened, that quiet voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to me, i heard Him say: 

Did you notice the small dog? 
He hasn't a care in the world,
So secure he is in his master's care.
Content he sit in his small basket.
He is not alarmed by the bumps and rock of the path.
This small dog labors not.

 What lesson Lord must i learn i asked? How does the scene apply to me? My life is a mess. There are troubles all around. i see no hope or way of escape. My rest is gone. So great are they, so small am i. You my child He said that day are that small dog. I carry you in the protection and shelter of my mighty arms. I strive and work on you behalf. It is by my will alone, my strength, my power. Be like that dog.

Enjoy the ride!