Monday, February 27, 2017


On a single stable point I must rest secure. Still. Balanced all around, no movement up or down not to the left, nor to the right. This is the place where I have been called.  How do I manage, how do I still my soul? when all I have experienced has been turmoil and unrest. The waves of life has tossed me to and fro. Swelled over me almost to the edge of perish. On one I put my trust. I must be still. Inside the raging storm must tame. Shuffling the weight from side to side, too much to bear. How can I come to that point of peace. That still. That place where heart beats beat. where drop of blood ever so slowly fall. eternity before contact employs. On a single point I rest, the point in time that Christ died.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here this morning to talk a little bit about your book "The Faces of Eve" and how each week through our studies I have been inspired and empowered to be a better me. Of all the chapters we've studied thus far, my favorite is chapter 8. God Hears and Answer Prayers: Hannah. I have always been doubtful of the way that I pray. Wondering if my prayers were being heard. I pray a lot and very often, but are they being received by the Holy Spirit. The answer is yes. This is evident as I am still standing and I know that God shows His favor when my prayer is sincere, when it is fervently expressed and full of emotion and coming from my heart. My prayers are heard when I am at my lowest, when I think it can't get any worse. And then miraculously, He restores my faith, He uplifts my spirit and He answers my prayers. Hallelujah! For He is always faithful even when I am not. Amen.
